
Monday, September 21, 2009

Me & My Crazy World

This blog here is pretty much a spin off of The Winter Wars! It will just be an elaboration on each of the men that make up my crazy dating world. For the past 10 days, I have really been trying to open myself up to new dating experiences while at the same time implementing my new attitude...fearless in the remainder of 2009 and all of 2010. I know what I want but I need to become more strategic in actually getting it! Hell, I also want to have fun so that is why I am dating! Only thing is...that fantasizing is starting to rear its ugly head and as I try to suppress those fantasies I become pickier and pickier!

So I am currently entertaining 3 men! I went to a party on Friday looking for a 4th or just one to knock everyone out the water and wouldn't you know it...I got almost no play at all. And I was sharper than that knife Miss Celie was bought to use to shape up Mister in the Color! The only man that I was half interested in was one that I met a long time ago when I had a BF and since I was working on staying faithful I didn't keep in contact. He then went on to date an associate and sorority sister of mine. I wonder if the are still together? If they are not and I went after him, would I be wrong? Hmm...I don't to think about that...but anyway, I digress. So needless to say, the night was uneventful and I still got only my 3!

Each of the 3 are have some good qualities. But as for their negative qualities, they can be classifies as the bad, the worse, and the ugly. There are no real front runners in this group. Hopefully writing these down will help me see the picture more clearly!

Let's start with the BAD...we will call this guy "Long Distance Lover: The Sequel". I met this guy back in college approximately 6 years ago over a popular social networking site. He hit me up because he thought I was cute and the only reason I gave him the time of day is because he is my frat brother and not bad looking. Not my type initially but decent looking. We had some convo back then but we were young and LD relationships are hard and even tougher when you are young so nothing materialized. I have seen him a couple times at frat/sorority functions but we have had no contact since 2005 until he found me on Facebook about 8 or so months ago. Since then we had few exchanges over the wall and/or status updates but nothing major. Oddly, exactly one day after my last breakup he sent me a text message and asked if he could call me. We talked, conversation was easy, we never skipped a beat. I like his ideas on life, he has a good career, very motivated, and makes me laugh. Sounds great right...WRONG! First off...he lives a flight away...driving is double the amount of time it took me to get to my ex and you see how that worked out! Another problem is that he is talking the same talk that my ex did...he is ready for love, marriage, kids, etc...he thinks I am beautiful, smart, blah, blah, blah! Being that I just came out of a LD relationship...please don't talk the talk...just skip all that BS and walk the walk. Another red flag is that he once "talked" to one of my good friends and he neglected to tell me that even after he found out that her and I are close. She says she could care less about us dating because they never did anything and I believe her but he already has a demerit in my book for negating that tidbit! The last issue is...he is tall, very tall which I like! But very skinny which I don't! I know you are thinking...S.B., don't be so shallow! But I know me, attraction is very important and I fell to temptation once because I was no longer physically attracted to my mate, who just so happened to be short and skinny. Maybe him being tall will make me feel less uncomfortable with his skinniness considering he got at least 1 out of 2. I am just hoping that those protein shakes he's been sucking down will put some meat on his bones because the brotha is really impressing me in many other ways. He had been asking me to come visit him and when I explained to him my thoughts on being courted, he literally sent for me! I got home to check my email and there was my flight itinerary. He seem genuinely excited about my visit and is planning all the weekend activities as a surprise! I won't be there for another month but I will well document my travels! We will see just how skinny skinny is and if I am as shallow as I hope not to be!

Moving on the WORSE..."Mr. Peter Pan". I call him Mr. because he truely is too old for foolishness. This guy is handsome and has a great job as an engineer for a major corporation. He seems very interested in me ...hell, he called me the very next day...more than once. He is also up for having a good time. We went bowling on our 2nd date and had plenty of laughs. But that is where the pros end and the cons begin! This guy gives me concerns because he is young acting. He tells me stories about childish things he gets into like egg fights; every single time I talk to him on the phone he has one of his 'guys' over at his apartment, sleeping on the couch or playing playstation. I mean that really is just not my cup of tea! Now I haven't known him long and this may be coincidental but I just don't know! Our 1st date he asked me to run errands with him at the mall and I found a way to get out of that so I met him at the mall after his errands and we grabbed something to eat. Our second date, he says to me, "it's your turn to plan the date." He said it as if he really exerted any creativity with the mall! The second go round, It was my idea to go bowling...but we did have fun! Now he is getting more bold and trying to come over to my house and get me to cook! Is he serious...he better know if I agree to that he better be supplying the food. Nice guy but young...I been down that road before! And guess what? I cheated with a man that was more mature. I am not proud of that but it is a reality. [FYI, this was on the same guy from above that was short and skinny...don't want y'all to think I make cheating a habit. It was something I did and that I regret] Hopefully he comes stronger for date 3 because I am looking for a full grown man!

And last but not least, THE UGLY! We will just call him, "Sumthin' Ain't Right". Now this man right here! He is FOINE!!!...and yeah I spelled it like that on purpose. He is the perfect size, height, and build! Brotha takes care of his body like whoa! And after initial conversation with him you get the impression that he is very passionate and a thinker! BUT BUT BUT...the big negative...he is a divorcee with 2.5 damn kids. Now those that know S.B. know that I don't get down with other peoples kids. I want my first experience with marriage and kids to be OUR first experience but this man has already done both...DAMN! But he says to me that he is a good God fearing man, he owns his own business and is currently getting his masters. He says, "S.B., you need to have an open mind because you may find a single never been married man with no kids that is a complete jackass!" And I think he is right! So I let him take me on a date. He wanted to meet at his house. I thought that he probably wanted to take one car and all that good first date stuff so I agreed. As I was sitting in front of his house, a car pulls up next to me and he jumps out the passenger side. I don't think much of this, we go in the house and the 1st thing I notice is a bus schedule. Again, I am giving the B.O.D because many people take buses into the City! But then he asks me to drive...WHAT! Something's up and it ain't right but how do I ask w/o coming off harsh! We proceed to our date and have great conversation. I'm looking at his lips because did I mention he is fine! He looks me deep in the eyes and tells me that he thinks he is falling in love with me and could see us moving in together and getting married! RED ALERT! RED ALERT! Sumthin just ain't right with him...he is a little OFF! Come to find out, dude has no car, only works at what I thought was his nine to five 2 days a week, and who knows what is really good with his LLC! He swears he has money for a car but just doesn't see it as necessary because he has great people in his life willing to drive him around or he will rent a car like every weekend! Who does that? Well dude...I AM NOT THE ONE! I live too far outside of the city to be dating you and carting your butt around! Not gonna happen! No!

But am I wrong for just wanting to keep "Sumthin' Ain't Right" around for the eye candy and maybe a lil heavy petting from time to time? He is Fine! And I have been pretty deprived over the years...before my most recent ex I hadn't got any in over a year and as I write this it has been over 2 months with no clear end date in sight! I mean women need that type of interaction too! But I will just meditate because I don't want to run up my numbers for nothing!

So with this all being said, I know this blog is long but I just wanted the masses to know what I am working with as The Serial Bachelorette...not much! To tie it all back I being too picky? I do however, think that at least one of these guys has to have potential...I'm just not sure for what yet. I guess that is what dating is all about! The sole purpose to put yourself through this whole dating experiment is marriage and that world wind romance that we all fantasize about. I'm just trying to see who is only worthy of a fling and who could actually survive the journey! My crazy world of dating is looking hazy and I would love for some clarity...soon! Keep tuning in...I want to see how this is all going to turn out myself! Until next time...

-The S.B.

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